Plugin Shortcuts

Plugin Shortcuts

Learn how to configure and use keyboard shortcuts in Plate plugins.

This guide covers the configuration and usage of keyboard shortcuts in Plate plugins, allowing you to create custom hotkeys for various editor actions.

Plugin Shortcuts

Plate provides a set of default shortcuts for common actions.

Text Formatting

  • BoldPlugin

    • toggleBold: Mod+B
  • ItalicPlugin

    • toggleItalic: Mod+I
  • UnderlinePlugin

    • toggleUnderline: Mod+U
  • StrikethroughPlugin

    • toggleStrikethrough: Mod+Shift+X
  • CodePlugin

    • toggleCode: Mod+E
  • SubscriptPlugin

    • toggleSubscript: Mod+,
  • SuperscriptPlugin

    • toggleSuperscript: Mod+.
  • HighlightPlugin

    • toggleHighlight: Mod+Shift+H

Block Formatting

  • ParagraphPlugin

    • toggleParagraph: Mod+Alt+0 or Mod+Shift+0
  • BlockquotePlugin

    • toggleBlockquote: Mod+Shift+.
  • HeadingPlugin

    • toggleHeading1: Mod+Alt+1 or Mod+Shift+1
    • toggleHeading2: Mod+Alt+2 or Mod+Shift+2
    • toggleHeading3: Mod+Alt+3 or Mod+Shift+3
  • CodeBlockPlugin

    • toggleCodeBlock: Mod+Alt+8


  • ListPlugin

    • toggleBulletedList: Mod+Alt+5
    • toggleNumberedList: Mod+Alt+6
  • TodoListPlugin

    • toggleTodoList: Mod+Alt+4 or Mod+Shift+4


  • CommentsPlugin
    • toggleComment: Mod+Shift+M


  • Mod represents Cmd on macOS and Ctrl on Windows/Linux.
  • Shortcuts can be customized or extended as needed in your Plate configuration.

Adding Shortcuts to Plugins

You can add shortcuts to your plugins using the shortcuts option. Each shortcut is defined with a unique key and an object containing the handler, keys, and other optional properties.

Here's a basic example:

const ParagraphPlugin = createPlatePlugin({
  key: 'p',
  shortcuts: {
    toggleParagraph: {
      handler: ({ editor }) => {
        editor.toggleBlock({ type: 'p' });
      keys: ['mod+opt+0', 'mod+shift+0'],

In this example, pressing Cmd+Option+0 or Cmd+Shift+0 (on Mac) or Ctrl+Alt+0 or Ctrl+Shift+0 (on Windows/Linux) will toggle the paragraph block.

Shortcut Properties

Each shortcut can have the following properties:

  • handler: A function that is called when the shortcut is triggered.
  • keys: A string or array of strings representing the key combination(s).
  • priority: (Optional) A number indicating the priority of the shortcut.
  • preventDefault: (Optional) A boolean to prevent the default browser action.

Multiple Shortcuts

You can define multiple shortcuts for a single plugin:

const FormattingPlugin = createPlatePlugin({
  key: 'formatting',
  shortcuts: {
    toggleBold: {
      handler: ({ editor }) => {
      keys: 'mod+b',
    toggleItalic: {
      handler: ({ editor }) => {
      keys: 'mod+i',

Shortcut Priority

When multiple plugins define shortcuts with the same key combination, you can use the priority property to determine which one takes precedence:

const HighPriorityPlugin = createPlatePlugin({
  key: 'highPriority',
  shortcuts: {
    myShortcut: {
      handler: () =>'High priority'),
      keys: 'mod+k',
      priority: 100,
const LowPriorityPlugin = createPlatePlugin({
  key: 'lowPriority',
  shortcuts: {
    myShortcut: {
      handler: () =>'Low priority'),
      keys: 'mod+k',
      priority: 50,

In this case, the HighPriorityPlugin shortcut will be triggered when Cmd+K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows/Linux) is pressed.

Disabling Shortcuts

You can disable a specific shortcut by setting its value to null:

const MyPlugin = ParagraphPlugin.configure({
  shortcuts: {
    myShortcut: null,

Extending Shortcuts

You can extend or override shortcuts using the extend method:

const ExtendedPlugin = BasePlugin.extend({
  shortcuts: {
    newShortcut: {
      handler: () =>'New shortcut'),
      keys: 'mod+shift+n',

Root Plugin Shortcuts

You can also define shortcuts at the root level when creating the editor:

const editor = createPlateEditor({
  plugins: [/* your plugins */],
  shortcuts: {
    globalShortcut: {
      handler: () =>'Global shortcut triggered'),
      keys: 'mod+g',

Root-level shortcuts have the highest priority by default.

Best Practices

  • Consider using the preventDefault option for shortcuts that might conflict with browser defaults.
  • Be mindful of existing shortcuts in your application to avoid conflicts.
  • Use the priority property when you need fine-grained control over which shortcut is triggered.